Carlotta Glackin, Ph.D.

Carlotta A. Glackin, Ph.D. received her BA/BS degrees at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and University of Colorado (CU), Boulder in Biochemistry and Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology respectively. She then pursued her Ph.D. research in Molecular Biology under the guidance of Dr. James Bonner and continued her postdoctoral training in Molecular and Developmental Biology with Dr Barbara Wold’s group at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.
In 1993, she started as an Assistant Research Professor in the Division of Anatomic Pathology at City of Hope Medical Center and received tenure in 2000 as an Associate Professor in the Division of Molecular Medicine and Department of Developmental and Stem cell Biology at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope. She has been internationally recognized for her work in stem cell research and in 2007 received Awards from the Medical Research Council of South Australia where she spent a sabbatical with Dr Stan Gronthos’ Stem Cell group, at the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science in Adelaide. South Australia. She has also received many national and foundation research grants over the years including: National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI), Department of Defense (DoD/BCRP), Susan G Komen, Foundation for Women’s Cancer, STOP CANCER, and the City and City of Hope Cancer Center Grants.
Currently, Dr. Glackin’s research focuses on the TWIST family of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors vital in development and reactivated in many cancers, including breast and ovarian. TWIST proteins regulate epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), the process underlying metastatic spread. Furthermore, recent studies from multiple groups have correlated mesenchymal characteristics with a cancer stem cell phenotype, angiogenesis, and chemoresistance to a variety of agents. The Glackin lab is pursuing many lines of research to understand how TWIST operates in women’s cancers, and how it could be targeted for new cancer therapies. Her recent therapeutic pilot studies demonstrate efficacy in tumor size and weight in animal models. With this success, she hopes to generate additional funds for larger pre-clinical studies at City of Hope to gain critical data required for FDA approval for a human phase I/II clinical trial at City of Hope. Dr. Glackin’s research provides another promising approach to therapy that could bring healing to so many women battling cancer.
Duarte Cancer Center
Duarte, CA 91010
Education & Experience
1988, Ph.D., BA, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
1976, PhD, USC, Caltech
1975, MS-CU, Boulder
1990-1993, Caltech
Dr. Glackin has been focused on understanding the functional role of elevated TWIST expression in cancer cells; shedding light on the mechanisms underlying TWIST-mediated epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT); and developing new nanoparticle approaches to inhibit TWIST in breast and ovarian cancer models. Published studies from her group demonstrate re-activation of TWIST in highly aggressive cancers and reveal its important role in EMT, cell invasion, and drug resistance. Her studies also suggest that TWIST may be a target for intervention in highly aggressive cancers. If successful, her therapeutic studies to inhibit EMT may lead to new paradigms for intervention in cancer therapy - the ability to target Twist/SNAIL/EMT signaling to enhance chemosensitivity and prevention of recurrences in cancer patients.
Awards & Memberships
2015-2016, NIH R01/NCI (1 R01 CA194088-01A1) pending
2014-2015, CCSG Crystal Core Pilot Study
2014-2015, COH Women’s Cancers Program
2014-2015, CCSG Pilot Study Cancer Support
2013-2014, NCI-Cancer Center Support Pilot Grant
2013-2014, Ovarian Cancer Research Grant
2012-2013, City of Hope Excellence Award
2010-2013, Breast Cancer Research Award, Parvin Family Foundation
2009-2012, NIH R21/NINDS (2 R21- NS065809), Foundation For Women’s Cancer
2007-2010, Award for Breast Cancer Research, Pacific Northwest Food Industries
2009-2010, City of Hope Excellence Award, NIH/NINDS
2007-2010, STOP CANCER AWARD, Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation