Small Intestine Cancer Tests

City of Hope’s team of internationally trained specialists use their clinical expertise and leading-edge technology to provide you with the most accurate diagnosis — and the most effective treatment.

Diagnosing Small Intestine Cancer

At City of Hope, we offer several screening methods for small intestine cancer including:

  • Blood chemistry studies may be ordered to check whether you are anemic. Anemia may be a result of bleeding, liver problems or poor nutrition related to cancer.
  • Endoscopic biopsy involves removing tissue or cells to be viewed later under a microscope by a pathologist, and usually is done during an endoscopy.    
  • Upper endoscopy, uses a thin tube with a camera at the end to visualize the duodenum to check for abnormal areas. This procedure may be performed with an ultrasound to determine whether the disease has spread.                                          
  • A CT scan takes a series of pictures inside the body from different angles to determine if cancer has spread.
  • A PET/CT scan is a procedure in which a positron emission tomography scan and computed tomography scan are done at the same time. It involves injecting radioactive glucose and seeing where in the body it is used most, since malignant tumors need more glucose than normal cells.