Kun Qing, Ph.D.

Associate Clinical Professor
Clinical Expertise
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
HDR Brachytherapy
Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy
Image Guided Radiation Therapy
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
Kun Qing, Ph.D., is an associate clinical professor of the Department of Radiation Oncology at City of Hope. He is dedicated to cancer treatment using radiation with high precision. Dr. Qing is also a scientist with international recognition in functional imaging of the body using magnetic resonance imaging. His research interests are primarily focused on improvement of radiation therapy treatment planning strategy and assessment of treatment outcome/toxicities using novel imaging techniques.
Duarte Cancer Center
1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, CA 91010
Duarte, CA 91010
Education & Experience
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Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
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- Therapeutic Medical Physics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
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- 2025-present, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, City of Hope, Duarte, CA
- 2020-2025, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, City of Hope, Duarte, CA
- 2015-2020, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- 2014-2015, Instructor, Department of Radiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Awards & Memberships
- Junior Fellow of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
- W.S. Moore Young Investigator Award of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
- American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
- American Association of Physicists in Medicine
- International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
- Qing K, Nie K, Liu B, Feng X, Stone JR, Cui T, Zhang Y, Zhu J, Chen Q, Wang X, Zhao L, Parikh S, Mugler JP, III, Kim S, Weiner J, Yue N, Chundury A. The impact of optic nerve movement on intracranial radiation treatment. Frontiers in Oncology, Feb 2022, doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.803329
- Ding Y, Yang L, Zhou Q, Bi J, Li Y, Pi G, Wei W, Hu D, Rao Q, Li H, Zhao L, Du D, Liu A, Wang X, Zhou X, Qing K. A pilot study of function-based radiation therapy planning for lung cancer using hyperpolarized xenon-129 ventilation MRI. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. Dec 2021.
- Mata JF, Guan S, Qing K, Tustison NJ, Shim YM, Mugler JP, Altes TA, Jhosep H, Mehrad B. Evaluation of regional lung function in pulmonary fibrosis with xenon-129 MRI. Tomography 2021 Sep; 7(3): 452-465.
- He M, Qing K, Tustison NJ, Beaulac Z, King TW, Huff TB, Paige M, Earasi K, .Nunoo-Asare R, Struchen S, Burdick M, Zhang Z, Ropp A, Miller GW, Patrie JT, Mata JF, Mugler JP, Shim YM. Characterizing gas exchange physiology in heathy young electronic-cigarette users with hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI: a pilot study. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2021 Nov; 16: 3183-3187.
- Tustison NJ, Altes TA, Qing K, He M, Miller GW, Avants BB, Shim YM, Gee JC, Mugler JP, Mata JF. Image- vs. histogram-based considerations in semantic segmentation of pulmonary hyperpolarized gas images. Magn Reason in Med. 2021 Nov;86(5): 2822-2836.
- Teague WG, Mata JF, Qing K, Tustison, NJ, Mugler JP, Meyer CH, de Lange EE, Shim YM, Wavell K, Altes TA. Measures of ventilation heterogeneity mapped with hyperpolarized helium-3 MRI demonstrate a T2-high phenotype in asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2021 June; 56(6): 1440-1448.
- Shammi UA, D’Alessandro MF, Altes T, Hersman FW, Ruset IC, Mugler III, JP, Meyer CM, Mata JF, Qing K, Thomen R. Comparison of hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe MR imaging in cystic fibrosis patients. Academic Radiology. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acra.2021.01.007
- Myc LA, Qing K, He M, Tustision N, Mata JF, Altes TA, Mugler III, JP, Shim YM. Characterization of gas exchange in COPD with dissolved-phase hyperpolarized xenon-129 magnetic resonance imaging. Thorax. 2020, 76 (2). 178-181
- Qing K, Yue NJ, Hathout L, Ma C, Reyhan M, Zhu J, Nie K, Monte G, Vergalasova I. The combined use of 2D scout and 3D axial CT images to accurately determine the catheter tips and dwell positions for HDR brachytherapy plans. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. Feb 2021. https://doi.org/10.1002/acm2.13184
- Li P, Valdeig S, Kagebein U, Qing K, Fetics B, Roth A, Nevo E, Hensen B, Weiss CR, Wacker FK. Integration and evaluation of a gradient-based needle navigation system for percutaneous MR-guided Inverventions. PLoS ONE. 15(7): e0236295. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236295
- Qing K, Tustison NJ, Mugler JP, Mata JF, Lin Z, Zhao L, Wang D, Feng X, Shin JY, Callahan SJ, Bergman MP, Ruppert K, Altes TA, Cassani JM, Shim YM. Probing changes in lung physiology in COPD using CT, perfusion MRI, and hyperpolarized xenon-129 MRI. Academic Radiology, 2019. 26(3): p. 326-334.
- Feng X, Qing K, Tustison NJ, Meyer CH, Chen Q. Deep convolutional neural network for segmentation of thoracic organs-at-risk using cropped 3D images. Medical physics, 2019. 46(5): p. 2169-2180.
- Ruppert K, Qing K, Patrie JT, Altes TA, Mugler JP. Using hyperpolarized xenon-129 MRI to quantify early-stage lung disease in smokers. Academic Radiology, 2019. 26(3): p. 355-366.
- Kern AL, Gutberlet M, Qing K, Voskrebenzev A, Klimes F, Kaireit TF, Czerner C, Biller H, Wacker F, Ruppert K, Hohlfeld JM, Vogel-Claussen J. Regional investigation of lung function and microstructure parameters by localized 129Xe chemical shift saturation recovery and dissolved-phase imaging: A reproducibility study. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2019. 81(1): p. 13-24.
- Tustison NJ, Avants BB, Lin Z, Feng X, Cullen N, Mata JF, Flors L, Gee JC, Altes TA, Mugler JP, Qing K. Convolutional neural networks with template-based augmentation for functional lung image quantification. Academic Radiology, 2019. 26(3): p. 412-423.
- Sul B, Altes TA, Ruppert K, Qing K, Hariprasad DS, Morris M, Reifman J, Wallqvist A. Dynamics of the tracheal airway and its influences on respiratory airflows: an exemplar study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2019. 141(11): 111009.
- Grainger AT, Tustison NJ, Qing K, Roy R, Berr SS, Shi W. Deep learning-based quantification of abdominal fat on magnetic resonance images. PloS One, 2018. 13(9): p. 2169-2180. e020471
- Komlosi P, Altes TA, Qing K, Mooney KE, Miller GW, Mata JF, de Lange, Tobias TA, Cates GD, Mugler JP, III. Signal-to-Noise Ratio, T2, and T2* for hyperpolarized helium-3 MRI of the human lung at three magnetic field strengths. Mag Reson Med. 2017, Oct; 78(4). 1458-1463.
- Tustison NJ, Qing K, Wang C, Altes TA, Mugler JP, III. Atlas-based estimation of lung and lobar anatomy in proton MRI. Mag Reson Med. 2016 Jul; 76(1): 315-20.
- Qing K, Altes TA, Tustison NJ, Feng X, Chen X, Mata JF, Miller GW, de Lange EE, Tobias WA, Cates GD Jr., Brookeman JR, Mugler JP III. Rapid acquisition of helium-3 and proton 3D image sets of the human lung in a single breath-hold using compressed sensing. Mag Reson Med. 2015 Oct; 74(4): 1110-5.
- *Komlosi P, Altes TA, Qing K, Wang C, Mooney KE, Miller GW, Mata JF, de Lange EE, Tobias TA, Cates GD, Brookeman JR, Mugler JP, III. Regional airspace anisotropy in the lung as assessed with hyperpolarized helium-3 diffusion MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2015. Dec; 42(6): 1777-82.
- Qing K, Ruppert K, Jiang Y, Mata JF, Miller GW, Shim MY, Wang C, Ruset IC, Hersman WF, Altes TA, Mugler JP III. Regional mapping of gas uptake by red blood cells and tissue in human lung using hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2014. 39(2): p. 346-359.
- Qing K, Mugler JP III, Altes TA, Jiang Y, Mata JF, Miller GW, Ruset IC, Hersman FW, Ruppert K. Assessment of lung function in asthma and COPD using hyperpolarized 129Xe chemical shift saturation recovery spectroscopy and dissolved-phase MRI. NMR Biomed, 2014. 27(12): p.1490-501.