Logistics and Forms
A completed Test Request Form (TRF) is required for all tests. Samples that arrive without a fully completed TRF will be delayed. Inclusion of a Patient Information form is strongly recommend. This enables the most optimal interpretation in reporting results with respect to observed clinical findings.
All tests require the CMDL Test Request Form (TRF).
If you would like to use our electronic form, please complete all required fields, and clicking the "Print and Submit" button will print the form and then ask if you want to also submit the encrypted data securely to us for preprocessing. Printed copies of all required forms must always be included with the specimen. Do NOT transmit forms via regular email, which is not secure.
Please contact CMDL Client Services if you would like to request a specimen collection kit or shipping label. You must include a completed Test Request Form (TRF) with every sample. If the Test Request Form (TRF) is not complete, testing WILL be delayed. The CMDL is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Please try to schedule specimen collection to ensure delivery during these hours. If it is necessary to schedule delivery during holidays and weekends, the samples will be held until working hours. Please note that, occasionally, for samples that are received on the weekends or holidays, a second sample is requested due to DNA extraction failure.
All specimens should be shipped to:
City of Hope
1500 East Duarte Road
Main Medical, Room 2101
Duarte, CA 91010