City of Hope

Pages Tagged with "City Of Hope"

Patients Should Protect Themselves as Flu Rages in the South
It’s flu season and no one knows that more than those in Southeastern states, where rates of influenza infections are higher than in most other regions of United States.And...
Homebuilders celebrate 50 years of support for City of Hope
Stones have served as foundations for human construction for centuries. Stones painted by pediatric patients were given to volunteer leaders at the 2024 CIA Spirit of Life® Gala to thank...
How Valley Fever May Masquerade as Cancer
If you live in the Southwest, you have a greater chance than most Americans of developing a rare lung condition called Valley fever. Caused by the spores from a particular...
Hope Connection: An update to our community regarding the SoCal fires
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Cancer Patients May Find Challenges Navigating a Midwest Winter
Winter in the Midwest may be cold and gray with temperatures and wind chills routinely hovering at or below freezing. Cancer patients especially may feel the cold more acutely than...
Expanding our reach so more pediatric and young adult cancer patients will thrive
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Tanyanika Phillips is breaking down barriers to care for seniors and launching studies to improve outcomes
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City of Hope Research Spotlight, November 2024
CONTACTZen [email protected]  City of Hope® Research Spotlight offers a glimpse at groundbreaking scientific and clinical discoveries advancing lifesaving cures for patients with cancer, diabetes and...
Cómo Reducir el Promedio de Cáncer Prevenible Entre los Hispanos
Lea este blog en inglésComparados con otros grupos étnicos, los hispanos presentan tasas más altas de cánceres que pueden prevenirse con vacunas o pruebas de detección regulares.Los hispanos...
Leadership Perspective December 2024
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