Colorectal Cancer

Pages Tagged with "Colorectal Cancer"

Blood test shows potential as way to screen for early-onset colorectal cancer
Scientists at City of Hope have developed a novel blood test that may in the future be used to detect early-onset colorectal cancer, which has been on the rise in...
Why men should stay on track with cancer screenings
A word of encouragement to all the men out there: Preventive cancer screenings save lives and keep families together longer. Nearly 4 out of 10 men will be diagnosed with...
Beating colorectal cancer, learning a lesson
Mark Helak had it all figured out.   “Being the son of a doctor takes all the mystery out of the system,” he said. “I know how doctors think.”  ...
COVID-19 concerns again impacting cancer screenings
Emile Auguste Jr., a 64-year-old mortgage banker from Monrovia, California, has no qualms about maintaining his regular colorectal cancer screenings in the current COVID-19-altered environment.   “Concerns? Not for me!”...
City of Hope is home to leading colorectal cancer survival rates
March is Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Awareness Month, and there is no better time to highlight the work City of Hope is doing to combat this disease. While advances in screening and...
'Liquid biopsy' alone not ideal for colon cancer screening, physician warns
The study was published March 8 in JAMA Open Network. “A liquid biopsy measuring circulating tumor DNA is a novel way to test for residual disease in patients...
Un estudio de City of Hope revela una alternativa para el cáncer colorrectal avanzado
Un ensayo clínico en fase 2 de City of Hope demostró que la monoterapia con sotorasib genera actividad antitumoral y un perfil de riesgo-beneficio favorable en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal...
City of Hope researcher advises doctors against overreliance on a popular liquid biopsy used to screen for colorectal cancer recurrence
 CONTACTZen Data shows standard-of-care CT scan plus CEA blood draw test should be continued for patients who have had colorectal tumors surgically removed ...
Early trial success for new peritoneal cancer treatment
Irene van der Heijden has a type of cancer that is incurable, inoperable and notoriously resistant to chemotherapy — low-grade serous ovarian cancer with carcinomatosis of the peritoneum, a thin...
City of Hope researchers help find improved treatment options for patients with advanced colorectal cancer
  CONTACT Zen Vuong 626-409-9367   A study published in Lancet Oncology on Phase 2 clinical trial data demonstrate that using sotorasib as a monotherapy can shrink tumors for...