Pages Tagged with "Phoenix"
If you live in the Southwest, you have a greater chance than most Americans of developing a rare lung condition called Valley fever. Caused by the spores from a particular...
Lea este blog en inglésComparados con otros grupos étnicos, los hispanos presentan tasas más altas de cánceres que pueden prevenirse con vacunas o pruebas de detección regulares.Los hispanos...
Update: Colin Egglesfield announced on social media that he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, his third cancer diagnosis after being treated twice for testicular cancer.In an Instagram post...
Nearly 30 years after a Glendale Fire Department paramedic saved her life, a nurse at City of Hope® Cancer Center Phoenix got the chance to pay it back.When...
Actor and cancer survivor Colin Egglesfield supported the cancer community by attending both events and advocating for cancer researchCONTACT Molly Stockley 623-207-3030 [email protected] PHOENIX — City...
Aileen Go, M.D., joined City of Hope Cancer Center® Phoenix to continue its mission of expanding cancer care to patients across Arizona in her new role as the...
Gagandeep Singh, M.D., F.A.C.S, newly appointed chief of surgical oncology and director of surgical services at City of Hope® Cancer Center Phoenix, has dedicated his career to enhancing...
A mammogram is a highly effective way to screen for breast cancer, catching more than 85% of tumors. But most states, including Arizona, do not meet the mammography screening...
If you’ve never given going to the bathroom a second thought, it may be a good idea to start paying a little more attention when you do. How the stool...
Lung cancer is the third-most diagnosed cancer in America and the second-most common cancer in Arizona. So, if there was a test to screen for the disease, you’d think every...