Physical Health and Wellness After Cancer Treatment

Intensive interventional therapies used to treat cancer may leave survivors with physical symptoms and side effects that continue for years after treatment.

City of Hope® offers several ways for cancer survivors to regain their health and quality of life after treatment.

Managing Physical Health After Treatment

Your health care team may help you take steps to minimize and manage the long-term physical side effects of cancer and treatment.

Wellness After Treatment

Cancer and its treatment may take a toll on your body. From integrative medicine to recommended diets and physical activities, many wellness strategies may help restore your health following cancer treatment.

I've Finished Cancer Treatment. Now What?

Returning to wellness and normal activities after cancer treatment may take time. Many patients experience emotional and physical side effects related to treatment and survivorship, which is why City of Hope offers a wide range of support for cancer survivors at our four City of Hope cancer centers in Duarte, Chicago, Atlanta and Phoenix. 

Learn more about our survivorship programs at City of Hope® Cancer Center Duarte.