Zen Logsdon

Pages Tagged with "Zen Logsdon"

Endocrine Therapy Before Surgery Results in Different Outcomes in Black vs. White Women With Breast Cancer, City of Hope-Led Study Finds
CONTACTZen Logsdon626-409-9367zlogsdon@coh.orgThe results will be presented at the 15th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved, held...
City of Hope Researcher Identifies Effective Combination Immunotherapy for Subgroup of Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
CONTACTZen Logsdon626-409-9367zlogsdon@coh.orgThe new data is a foundational step to debunking the perception that immunotherapy is not effective in treating advanced colorectal cancer patients with a biomarker...
Una prueba de sangre muestra potencial como forma de detectar el cáncer colorrectal inicial
Con índices crecientes de cáncer colorrectal en adultos menores de 50, esta investigación es un primer paso para detectar el cáncer colorrectal de manera no invasiva y económica en un...
City of Hope’s Music, Film, and Entertainment Industry Group Announces its Inaugural ‘Sound of Hope’ Event Featuring Special Performances by AJR And Chelsea Cutler
CONTACTCity of HopeZen Logsdonzlogsdon@coh.org626-409-9367SLATE PRJulia RossenJuliaR@slate-pr.com 310-922-4356Taking place Sept. 14, 2022, in New York LOS ANGELES — City of Hope, one of...
City of Hope Researchers Have Developed a Blood Test That May Screen for Early-onset Colorectal Cancer
CONTACTZen Logsdon626-409-9367zlogsdon@coh.orgWith rising rates of colorectal cancer in adults under 50, this research is a first step to noninvasively and inexpensively detect colorectal cancer at an...
Blood test shows potential as way to screen for early-onset colorectal cancer
Scientists at City of Hope have developed a novel blood test that may in the future be used to detect early-onset colorectal cancer, which has been on the rise in...