
Pages Tagged with "Sarcoma"

A Steep Hill to Climb: Adventurer Overcomes Rare Sarcoma Diagnosis
As an avid rock climber, Tiffany Jones knows what it’s like to face an uphill battle. Successful climbers must be determined, focused and resilient, overcoming physical and mental challenges. Each...
Sarcoma: What You Need to Know
A 62-year-old grandfather develops a cancerous mass on his ankle; it spreads to his lungs.A football-sized abdominal tumor afflicts a 40-something ultramarathoner, threatening a kidney and leg.A...
New orthopedics chief combines innovation, common touch
The path to medicine for John deVries, M.D., was far from traditional. Up through a stint in graduate school, the Detroit native worked in a variety of jobs, including...
Sarcoma patient in Midwest follows oncologist across country
Ken Hunt is the kind of corporate hired gun who specializes in showing companies how to operate more efficiently and increase their bottom line. A management consultant based in Chicago...
New radiotherapy targets tumors in real time
City of Hope is the first health system in Southern California to offer patients diagnosed with primary or metastatic lung and bone cancer a new form of radiotherapy that can...
Sarcoma: A cancer that should be taken seriously
“Cancer” is a very heavy word. For people who hear this word from their doctor, it can bring up a range of emotions, from anxiety to anger. Everyone recognizes the...
Finding an expert who truly understood
It started in 1998. Marjo Woodhull was in her mid-40s when her doctor felt something unusual during a routine Pap smear. A follow-up ultrasound identified a growth in her abdomen...
Grad student beats ‘rarest of rare’ cancer
Jung Soo Lee takes pride in what she’s accomplished on her own.  Born in Seoul, South Korea, Lee speaks perfect, unaccented English — she spent a few years of her...
Physician tackles the challenges of pediatric sarcoma
Pediatric sarcomas, which affect the bones and soft tissues of children and teenagers, are among the toughest cancers to treat. Pediatric oncologist Janet Yoon, M.D., is passionately dedicated to...
Ultramarathoner outruns sarcoma
“I’m a runner,” Mika Reiner Mayer said to her surgeon. “If you can’t save my leg, don’t wake me up!” In a few short months, Mayer’s entire life had flipped...