Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplant Success

May 6, 2024 
This page was reviewed under our medical and editorial policy by Leslie Popplewell, M.D., Hematologist and Medical Director of Hematology and Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant, City of Hope Atlanta

Stem cell and bone marrow transplantation is a procedure that involves a stem cell infusion to treat certain cancers and bone marrow diseases or defects.

Before the transplant, patients undergo high-dose chemotherapy (and sometimes radiation therapy) to try to destroy all the cancer cells. The patient’s immune system and bone marrow are severely impaired in this process. Once chemotherapy (and radiation if included) is complete, the patient may have marrow replaced by his or her own healthy marrow (called an autologous transplant) or donor stem cells (called an allogeneic transplant) that were taken before the cancer treatment was started.

City of Hope® Is Leading the Way in Transplant Innovation

City of Hope’s world-renowned bone marrow transplant research team is committed to improving the safety and outcomes of stem cell transplantation and the care patients receive before and after treatment.

Some highlights of the City of Hope stem cell transplantation program include:

  • Researchers are developing advanced transplant methods to help reduce the toxic effects of treatment and improve patient outcomes.
  • Clinicians and researchers work together to set the standard for the stem cell transplantation process and improve the long-term outcomes for all patients.
  • Research focuses on important topics, such as perfecting donor types, reducing treatment complications and developing regimens that aim to reduce the relapse risk for patients.
  • Researchers have developed a Triplex vaccine to help prevent a certain type of herpes virus type called cytomegalovirus (CMV), and they’re testing whether it may reduce post-transplant complications.

City of Hope understands that its role doesn’t end when patients are discharged from its cancer centers. It’s committed to lifelong follow-up of stem cell and bone marrow transplant patients and to providing resources to help survivors overcome the challenges they may face during and after treatment. The City of Hope Survivorship and Outcomes Program helps patients and their families before, during and after treatment and aims for continuing improvements in care.

Transplant Volume

Since the City of Hope bone marrow and stem cell transplant program launched in 1976, it’s performed nearly 20,000 bone marrow transplants, and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) has recognized the program for its exceptional survival rates.

Bone marrow transplant experts at City of Hope maintain the highest standards for infection prevention and control and follow rigorous protocols, committed to seeing that patients have the highest level of care at every step in their transplant process.

Transplant Outcomes and Success

According to a 2021 study in JAMA Oncology, it’s estimated that about 10,000 patients a year receive allogeneic stem cell or bone marrow transplants in the United States. Over the last 40 years, the practice of bone marrow transplant has improved. A growing number of older adults are now eligible for the procedure, and peripheral blood stem cells and cord blood are now possible sources of stem cells. New supportive care and management have also reduced the likelihood of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), a serious transplant complication. As a result, the number of long-term survivors is on the rise.

CIBMTR and the National Marrow Donor Program report a 65% survival rate for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who undergo stem cell transplantation. That compares favorably to the estimated 24% five-year survival rate of AML adult patients who don’t undergo the treatment. City of Hope consistently exceeds these averages.


City of Hope has established a Center for Survivorship and Outcomes program to help patients and their families have an improved quality of life and to help them on the journey ahead. Under City of Hope’s Hematologic Malignancies Research Institute, the Comprehensive Survivorship Program supports transplant survivors and their families by:

  • Immediately addressing any post-surgical complications
  • Managing side effects that may arise
  • Assisting in early detection if cancer recurs
  • Recommending health monitoring practices
  • Improving patient education
  • Connecting patients with social workers, psychologists, financial counselors and other support services as needed

The Comprehensive Survivorship Program is also committed to research that may lead to improved treatments and enhanced care.

Patient Stories

Bob Shank survived leukemia, thanks to a stem cell transplant at City of Hope. The donor was his granddaughter, who was a perfect match.

When 19-year-old Tatum Demontmorency found out she had acute myeloid leukemia, her younger brother Trey donated stem cells for her transplant.

Long distance runner Mark DeSantis underwent a stem cell transplant at City of Hope to treat multiple myeloma. After recovery, he laced up his shoes and began running again.

  • City of Hope (2020, February 14). City of Hope-developed CMV vaccine reduces post-transplant complications.

  • Bhatia S, Dai C, Landier W, et al. (2021). Trends in Late Mortality and Life Expectancy after Allogeneic Blood or Marrow Transplantation Over 4 Decades. Jama Oncology, 7(11), 1626-1634.

  • Mehdizadeh M, Bolourian V, Zamani G, et al. (2022) Survival of Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation: An Experience in Developing Country. International Journal of Hematology-Oncology Stem Cell Research, 16(1), 55-65.

  • City of Hope. Center for Stem Transplantation.

  • City of Hope. Multiple Myeloma Outcome Summary.