Breast Cancer Support Services
At City of Hope, our patients have access to a wide range of supportive care and long-term follow-up programs. This includes support with side effects related to cancer treatment, providing supportive community programs for patients and caregivers and offering help as you recover and return to work, life and your relationships with loved ones.
“City of Hope saved me. They saved my baby. They saved my family portrait.” STEPHANIE, BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR
Living With Breast Cancer
During your treatment, you will have access to a wide range of supportive services thanks to our Department of Supportive Care Medicine, the Sheri & Les Biller Patient and Family Resource Center and our Women’s Center.
You can contact the Biller Center at 626-218-2273 (CARE) or the Women’s Center at 800-934-5555.
Our supportive care team helps patients:
- Manage symptoms and side effects, such as pain, lymphedema, nausea and fatigue
- Handle emotional, social and spiritual issues
- Address fertility and sexual health concerns
- Improve communication with loved ones
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Find patient activities to restore your body and mind
- Learn cosmetic techniques for cancer- or treatment-related appearance issues
- Navigate health insurance and financial questions
- Build caregiver skills
Partners Clinic
Our breast cancer Partners Clinic is a unique program offering partners and families the support they need to grow closer as they work with a loved one who is going through a cancer journey.
Read more about the Partners Clinic.
“City of Hope treated me as a person. I wasn't just a patient, a chart. I mattered.” KOMMAH, BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR
Support During Recovery
When you have finished breast cancer treatment, you may feel relieved or excited. However, some worry that their cancer could come back, or they may feel lost without the same level of care from their cancer care providers. It’s important to go to all follow-up appointments, so your cancer care team can ask you about any problems you may have experienced, as well as conduct exams, lab tests or imaging to look for signs of cancer or treatment side effects.
Return to Wellness Program
City of Hope’s Return to Wellness program is designed to tackle that big “What now?” question, one topic at a time. The program is open to anyone who has completed breast cancer treatment at City of Hope or elsewhere and is run in collaboration with the Cancer Support Community of Pasadena.
It covers:
- Workshops in nutrition and health monitoring
- Long-term side effect management
- Body image, sexuality and intimacy
- Lymphedema prevention
- Meditation and spirituality
- Strength training, restorative yoga and support groups