Video Education Library
Gentle and Strengthening Exercise Videos
City of Hope's manager of occupational therapy, Lynn Kim, OTD, OTR/L, discusses the benefits of seated yoga, which has been shown to reduce stress, inflammation, pain, and cancer-related fatigue. Seated yoga can be practiced in a chair and benefits for people with limited mobility.
Practice seated yoga with manager of Occupational Therapy, Lynn Kim, OTD, OTR/L. Research studies show that yoga reduces stress, inflammation, pain and cancer-related fatigue. Find a supportive chair and press play!
Thriving After Cancer Series
A panel City of Hope experts discusses the sexual and fertility challenges that cancer patients and survivors may face. They offer tips, information, and resources to help patients and survivors manage those challenges.
Learn how to manage changes to sexual function caused by cancer in this virtual session led by nurse practitioner Brittany Bradford, M.S., and director of Rehabilitation Sherry Hite, MOT, OTR-L. Common side effects, such as pain during sex, vaginal dryness, fatigue, sensation changes and anxiety, are discussed in this educational video. The session concludes with a list of resources, including meditation exercises and helpful products.
Nurse Manager Karen Wohlgezogen, BSN, RN, CPHON and Clinical Social Worker Amy Donner, LCSW, OSW-C, AHPC-SW discuss about fertility challenges that patients and survivors may encounter following cancer and cancer treatment. They offer tips, information and resources on fertility preservation and other programs.
Oncology Counselor Lisa Donley-Lanyi, LMFT provides advice on how survivors can overcome body image and identity-related challenges . Cassie Polchow, Oncology trained Licensed Cosmetologist of City of Hope’s Positive Image Center talks through products and services available to patients and survivors dealing with these challenges.
Getting your strength and movement back after cancer treatment can feel overwhelming, but doing the simple exercises in this video created by our physical therapists can help build your strength over time.
Learn how to engage your pelvic floor correctly and important aerobic and strengthening exercises essential during survivorship.
Nausea, Heartburn, Indegestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea - Caring Abut Patient Education
Nutrition During Treatment
Blood Counts and Immunosuppression
Managing the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
Managing the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
Anxiety, Depression and Fear