Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program

The City of Hope Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program is a three‐year ACGME‐accredited fellowship dedicated to training future leaders in gynecologic oncology. The curriculum includes 12 months of research followed by 24 months of clinical training in gynecologic oncology. One new clinical fellow is appointed each year for a total of three fellows over a three‐year fellowship period. Our program follows the guidelines set forth by the ACGME.
Clinical Training
The close collaboration of City of Hope clinicians and basic scientists creates an environment with immense potential for medical discovery and innovation. As part of this vibrant community, fellows have the opportunity to learn from top cancer specialists. Fellows spend two years on focused clinical gynecologic oncology rotations. Clinical rotations in medical oncology, surgical pathology, genetics, radiation oncology and supportive care are also included in the two‐year training period.
Research is at the heart of City of Hope’s mission and opportunities for discovery are extensive. We currently have 24 clinical trials open for which gynecologic cancer patients are eligible, and we enroll 25‐50 gynecologic cancer patients annually in clinical trials. Our clinical research portfolio, which includes, but is not limited to, collaborations with SWOG/National Clinical Trials Network, Cancer lmmunotherapy Trials Network, and the California Cancer Consortium (all NCI‐funded), provide ample opportunity for trainees to become involved in clinical research in protocol development, regulatory approval, protocol implementation and execution, and analysis and reporting of therapeutic and non‐therapeutic trials. Fellows spend 1 year dedicated to research in a structured didactic training program in clinical investigation. The goal of the research program is to prepare the fellow for a productive career in academic gynecologic oncology through a highly focused laboratory and clinical research experience, including the writing of scientific manuscripts and presentation at major national meetings and thesis presentation at the end of their fellowship training.
Program History
Program started and was ACGME approved in February 2020.
Ernest Han, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.O.G
Chief, Clinical Professor and Program Director
City of Hope
1500 E. Duarte Rd.
Duarte, CA 91010
[email protected]
Yennifer Ruiz, C-TAGME
Training Program Administrator
City of Hope
1500 E. Duarte Rd.
Duarte, CA 91010
[email protected]