Blood Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplant Resources

BMT Autologous Patient and Caregivers Guide

A blood stem cell or bone marrow transplant may be a treatment option for some patients with hematologic cancers. Patients who are seeking information about this procedure should consider reviewing A Patient's Guide to Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation at City of Hope. This guide was developed by blood stem cell and bone marrow transplant experts to help City of Hope patients and their families learn about transplantation and what to expect before, during and after blood stem cell or bone marrow transplantation.

It may also be beneficial to review the transplant resources below.

Autologous Transplant

An autologous transplant replaces abnormal or damaged stem cells with the healthy ones from your body.

In the Patient and Caregiver Guide for An Autologous Transplant, you will find education and resources information related to getting a transplant at City of Hope, including:

Allogeneic Transplant

An allogeneic transplant uses healthy blood stem cells from a donor to replace abnormal or damaged bone marrow.

In the Patient and Caregiver Guide for An Allogeneic Transplant, you will find education and resources information related to getting a transplant at City of Hope, including:

GVHD Resources

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a long-term side effect that occurs in about half of allogeneic stem cell transplant patients. It occurs when the donor’s cells, called T lymphocytes, do not recognize the recipient’s cells and attack them.

GVHD can increase emotional distress, which may impact many aspects of life, including home life, work life and relationships. But GVHD does not only affect the patient; it also affects their partner, family and friends.

If you have stem cell transplant side effects that are challenging to manage, ask your primary care physician for a referral to the City of Hope GVHD clinic for information about blood stem cell transplant support services. 

Learn more from our supportive care team about what you can do to help yourself.