National Hardware/Homebuilding Industry Executive Council

Michelle Newland
Council Chair
EVP, Chief International Business Officer
Oatey Co.
- Thomas Armstrong
President and CEO
Total Retail Group, LLC - Billy Bastek
EVP - Merchandising
The Home Depot - Bobby Baylis
MVP – Hardware
The Home Depot - Scott Blackwell
MVP - Rough Plumbing
Lowe’s - John Bonnot
Retired Industry Executive - Kane Calamari
Sr. Vice President – Chief Human Resources
Officer and President, Ace Foundation
Ace Hardware - Kevin Campbell
President-Moen Americas
Moen, Inc. - Ken Clark
Editor in Chief
HBS Dealer - Bryan Clarke
Vice President, Retail Sales
The Azek Company - Kevin Courtney
Retired Industry Executive - Randy Davis
Ryobi - Mike Farrah
Group President
Klein Tools - Jeff Filley
Retired Industry Executive - Chip Gillen
SVP Residential Sales - National Accounts
Moen, Inc.
- Steven Henley
President, E.A. Langenfeld - Paul Hylbert
Chairman, Kodiak Building Partners - Steve Janas
Vice President and General Manager - Retail
The Genie Company - Scott Kirkendall
Director IAQ
Panasonic - Tom Koos
President & CEO
PrimeSource Brands - Dave Lamie
Milwaukee Tools - Bruce Levitin
Chief Executive Officer
BTM Consulting - Steve Mahurin
President, SKM Consulting Group - Bruce Merino
Retired Industry Executive - Al Olsen
Retired Industry Executive - Randy Reginelli
Vice President of Sales/Global Head of Sales
Henkel Corporation - Steven Scheiner
Continental Sales & Marketing - Mark Schrey
MSA - Erwin Sedlmayer
Sr. Director, IB Merchandising
The Home Depot