Finding Spiritual Health

When coping with cancer, those in treatment and those in survivorship often reflect on issues related to spirituality, such as the purpose of life, the meaning of suffering or their illness, and what they value most.  

Spirituality can be thought of as an individual's sense of peace, purpose or connection to others, as well as beliefs about the meaning of life. It can include the practice of religion, meditation, mindfulness and connection.

Regardless of how it’s practiced, spirituality can be an important source of comfort, acceptance and healing after a major illness.    

A recent study found that those with feelings of transcendence, meaning or peace following a cancer diagnosis reported feeling less physical problems.

Some patients and caregivers find their faith, religion or sense of spirituality as a source of strength during treatment, while others might start to doubt their beliefs or feel they’re being punished.

Known as “spiritual distress,” this feeling is normal and can affect physical and emotional health by making it more difficult to cope with cancer and treatment.  

Ways to find comfort and meaning during spiritual distress:
  • Reading religious scripture or uplifting stories about the human spirit
  • Praying or meditating
  • Taking part in community or social gatherings for support or offering support to others
  • Talking to others who have had a similar experience
  • Finding resources at your place of worship
  • Grieving your losses and honoring your experience
  • Journaling thoughts about what gives meaning to your life now
  • Finding a special place where you find beauty or a sense of calm
  • Retreating to spiritual spaces or natural settings in the outdoors
Whether you consider yourself religious, spiritual or non-religious, City of Hope is committed to providing the best care for your body, mind and spirit.

Our chaplains are trained to give support to patients, family members and caregivers of different faiths, as well as those who aren't religious.

Spiritual Counseling

Our chaplains are here for:
  • Compassionate listening
  • Addressing your spiritual or religious needs and concerns
  • Spiritual support and counsel
  • Spiritual comfort and reassurance
  • Providing ministry of presence: siting with you and offering a loving presence with or without words