Wellness After Treatment
Cancer and its treatment take a toll on your body. From integrative medicine to recommended diets and physical activities, here ways to regain your health after cancer treatment.
Diet And Nutrition After Treatment
After treatment, it’s important to eat properly to reinforce your immune system and heal at a cellular level. A diet emphasizing vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes can reduce your risk of cancer.
Integrative Medicine
Integrative medicine is the use of holistic, evidence-based, complementary practices in combination with conventional medicine to help to build a wellness-focused lifestyle.
Limiting Alcohol Consumption
If cancer survivors choose to drink alcohol, consumption should be limited to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
Physical Activity After Treatment
Staying active after cancer can lower your risk of recurrence. Survivors should try to return to their normal levels of physical activity as soon as possible after completing active cancer treatment. Consult with your providers before beginning a physical activity program. Ask your doctor about a consultation with City of Hope’s rehabilitation team.
Smoking Cessation
Tobacco is a major cause of cancer and should be avoided. The benefits of quitting smoking start immediately and continue for years to come.
Weight Management
For survivors, obesity can lead to complications after surgery, second cancers, recurrence, a weakened immune system or hormonal issues. Not only can maintaining a healthy weight reduce your risk of developing cancer, it can also minimize symptoms and improve quality of life. The links above all have actionable, relevant guidance on how to achieve and maintain your health after cancer treatment.