Library Information and Services

Library Location and Hours

City of Hope
Lee Graff Medical and Scientific Library
1500 E. Duarte Rd.
Duarte, CA 91010

Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: 626-301-8497
[email protected]

Map/Direction to City of Hope

Library Services

The following is a brief description Graff Library's services and policies.

A copy of the library use policy can be obtained from the circulation desk.

After Hours Access to the Graff Library

The library is staffed Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but City of Hope staff and students may access the library anytime.

Contact Security at 626-256-4673, ext. 62006 if you are unable to access the library using your badge, or if you observe inappropriate or suspicious behavior.


Computers are available in the library for patron use. Installed on these computers are the Microsoft Office Suite, EndNote and internet browsers.

Current Awareness Service

The library will provide patrons with journal tables of contents via email upon request. This is an ongoing service; patrons will receive emails as they are received by the library.

Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan

If an item is not owned by Graff Library, it may be possible to obtain it from another institution: delivery time depends on lending library.

Orders can be placed using ILLiad, our online document delivery and interlibrary loan system.

Reference and Search Services

The librarians at Graff Library help patrons with reference inquiries related to scientific and medical topics. Library staff also instruct patrons on how to access and search library databases and resources.

Self-Service Scanning, Printing and Photocopying

Multifunction machines are available for patron use in the library.

Borrowing and Circulation Privileges

City of Hope employees and students may check out books from the library. Selected others, e.g. trainees, visiting professionals, etc., may be granted temporary borrowing privileges.

If an item is checked out, a hold can be placed on it. When the item is returned, the patron who placed the hold will be notified via email.

Patrons are responsible for the cost of replacing items they lose plus processing fees.