Sharing Your Health Information/Medical Records

Can I give a family member access to my health information/medical records in MyCityofHope?
Yes, you can. This is called “proxy access". Please visit the Share Access page and complete the form, “Share your Patient Portal (MyCityofHope) Access with your Authorized Representative".

Can I view a family member's health information/medical records in MyCityofHope?
Yes, you can. This is called “proxy access”. It allows a parent, guardian, caregiver, or an authorized representative to log into the patient's personal MyCityofHope account and connect to information regarding the patient. Please visit the Share Access page and complete the form, “Share your Patient Portal (MyCityofHope) Access with your Authorized Representative".
Can I view my child’s health information/medical records in MyCityofHope?
Yes, you can. This is called “proxy access”. It allows a parent or legal guardian to log into your child’s personal MyCityofHope account and connect to information regarding your child. Please visit the Share Access page and complete the form, “Access your Child’s Patient Portal (MyCityofHope)".

Can I ask questions regarding a family member from my MyCityofHope account?
No, MyCityofHope offers direct access to your personal health information. If you were to communicate about another patient using your account, information about that patient would be placed in your health record. This could potentially jeopardize medical care.

Can my spouse and I share one MyCityofHope account?
No. However, you may complete a proxy consent form to grant your spouse or authorized representative, access to your MyCityofHope account. Please visit the Share Access page and complete the form, “Share your Patient Portal (MyCityofHope) Access with your Authorized Representative".
I have questions about my MyCityofHope account, who do I contact?
Please call the MyCityofHope support line at 844-777-4673 or email [email protected]. Technical support is available 24 hours per day/7 days a week.