Advance Care Planning Program
Advance care planning is an important component of patient-centered care, helping ensure patient values and preferences guide clinical decisions. At City of Hope, we have developed several tools to assist and support patients through the completion of the advance directive, which is a written form that lets patients choose:
- a medical decision maker who can share their wishes and make health care choices if they can’t speak for themselves
- the kind of medical treatment that they want or do not want
Using the theme “Plan Today for Tomorrow,” these tools were designed to destigmatize the advance care planning process and encourage patients of every age and health status to share their wishes in an advance directive.
Advance care planning tools
- "How to Make an Advance Directive" booklet – This educational booklet guides the reader through the process of completing an advance directive.
- Advance directive educational poster – This poster shares facts and benefits of completing an advance directive in an easy-to-read format.
- Two-sided advance directive education sheet with wallet card – This two-sided sheet gives an overview of advance directives and the resources available for support, education and notary services at City of Hope. It also includes a tear-off wallet card.
- Post-advance directive completion sheet – This sheet gives tips on what to do with the advance directive once it is completed.
2017 ASCO Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium
- Supportive Care -Hematology Partnership to Improve Advance Directive Completion Rates in the Bone Marrow Transplant Population at City of Hope National Medical Center: A Programmatic Approach.
- Effectiveness of an Advance Care Planning patient navigator on advance directive completion by electronic versus staff-based referrals at a major cancer hospital.
- Engaging staff in Advance Care Planning during National Healthcare Decisions Week at a major cancer hospital.