Finding a Faculty Sponsor

To become a clinical observer or scientific/research fellow with City of Hope’s Visiting International Surgeon Scholars (VIS) program, the applicant must identify a faculty member at City of Hope who will sponsor the visitor.

Before submitting an application to the VIS program, the potential applicant should contact the faculty sponsor and obtain his/her agreement to serve as the applicant’s host and mentor for the duration of the visit to City of Hope.  

  1. Find a sponsoring faculty member from the VIS program team
  2. Contact the surgeon and request sponsorship of your visit to City of Hope by providing the following information:
    • Your name
    • Your title and affiliation and proof of employment
    • Whether you are requesting to be a Clinical Observer or a Scientific/Research Fellow or seeking both opportunities.
    • A letter of intent introducing about yourself, your clinical practice, the reasons you are interested in visiting City of Hope, and your goals and expectations from the visit.
    • Your most up to date curriculum vitae
    • A photo of yourself
    • Preferred dates and duration of visit
  3. Once you obtain a sponsor, you will be provided an application ID to access and complete our on-line application.

If you have questions about the finding a sponsor or application process in general, please contact Yanghee Woo, M.D., Director of International Surgery, at [email protected].