Alberto Pugliese, M.D.

Alberto Pugliese, M.D., has joined City of Hope as the Samuel Rahbar Chair in Diabetes & Drug Discovery, chair of the Department of Diabetes Immunology and director of The Wanek Family Project for Type 1 Diabetes within the Arthur Riggs Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute.
Pugliese comes to City of Hope by way of the Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami, where he served as The J. Enloe and Eugenia J. Dodson Chair in Diabetes Research. He was a tenured professor of medicine in the Division of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism and a professor of microbiology and immunology. He also served as deputy director for immune tolerance research at the Diabetes Research Institute, Leonard Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami.
"I am excited by the opportunity to work together on a shared vision for a world-class type 1 diabetes program with strong translational goals, and to advance type 1 diabetes research through strategic and scientific innovation, with a strong emphasis on collaboration, toward a cure," Pugliese said of his decision to join City of Hope.
Pugliese has dedicated his life to advancing type 1 diabetes research through scientific excellence, open collaboration and the training of new investigators. He has spent his illustrious 35-year career studying type 1 diabetes from the preclinical period to clinical diagnosis and afterward. Pugliese's work has led to a greater understanding of genetic and cellular mechanisms that regulate immunological self-tolerance, specifically to molecules targeted in diabetes. He has provided seminal contributions in the field of type 1 diabetes genetics, immunology, pathology and clinical trials. He has published his own work in major international journals.
"It is mind blowing what we have learned about type 1 diabetes that we did not know 30 years ago, or even 10, five or even one year ago." Pugliese said. "For example, scientists have identified genetic factors, developed genetic and immune markers of the disease process, described the disease natural history - and based on these findings, have been able to advance toward prevention and treatment of the disease process after diagnosis. We now have better tools to advance new therapies and information that guide us toward which therapies should be tested - when, how and in whom - depending on disease stage."
In coming to City of Hope, Pugliese joins the legendary diabetes research department that has made pivotal discoveries about diabetes for more than 50 years. Pugliese and his team will continue to enhance that spirit of innovation and scientific pioneering, digging deeper into the secrets of genetics and the immune system, metabolism and diabetic complications.
"Searching for a cure is a core value that is strongly footed at City of Hope, at the Arthur Riggs Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute," Pugliese said. "I was attracted by the strong, diverse research environment in which many leading researchers operate, including those that study diabetes and/or cancer, and by the substantial institutional commitment and resources."
Pugliese earned his medical degree at the University of Palermo in his native Italy. He completed postdoctoral research fellowships at that university, and then trained with the late George Eisenbarth at the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School and the Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
He has served on research grant review committees of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the JDRF and other funding organizations internationally. He also served as chair of the American Diabetes Association's Grant Review Panel. He has been a steering committee member of the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet, a clinical trial network funded by the NIH, under which auspices he has chaired several committees and initiatives. Pugliese is also executive co-director of the JDRF Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors With Diabetes (nPOD), a collaborative project that recovers tissues from organ donors with type 1 diabetes and distributes samples to investigators worldwide to support a comprehensive understanding of the disease.
Pugliese is a champion of collaboration and team-science approaches, which has been recognized by the Helmsley Charitable Trust with the George S. Eisenbarth nPOD Award for Team Science.
Speaking of his role as the new director of City of Hope's Wanek Family Project, he said, "The Wanek Family Project could become an essential catalyst for collaboration, to facilitate bringing forward new ideas and particularly test new therapies. I hope to attract and engage scientists who may help advance toward a cure, regardless of institutional affiliation. A cure will take a village, and the Wanek Family Project can become the village square where people come and work together, even if in figurative terms."
Duarte Cancer Center
Duarte, CA 91010
Education & Experience
1987, M.D., University of Palermo, Italy
1992-1994, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
1990-1992, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Section of Immunology and Immunogenetics, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
1988-1990, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Laboratory of Immunology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
1987-1990, Residency (Specialist) in Diabetes & Metabolism, Post-Graduate School in Diabetes & Metabolism, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
2022-present, Chair, Department of Diabetes Immunology, City of Hope, Duarte, California
2016-present, Deputy Director for ImmuneTolerance, Diabetes Research Institute
2016, Recipient of the J. Enloe and Eugenia J. Dodson Chair in Diabetes Research
2013-present, Tenured Professor of Medicine, Microbiology, and Immunology
2010-present, Executive Co-Director of the JDRF nPOD (Network for Pancreas Organ Donors with Diabetes,
2008-2013, Research Professor of Medicine Microbiology and Immunology; Head, Immunogenetics Program, Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida
2001-2017, Member, Steering Committee of the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet
2001-present, Graduate Faculty Member, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Miami, Miami, Florida
2000-2008, Research Associate Professor of Medicine Microbiology and Immunology; Head, Immunogenetics Program, Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida
1999-2000, Research Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida
1994-2000, Research Assistant Professor of Medicine & Head, Immunogenetics Laboratory, Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida
Most Recent Books and Monographs
Pugliese A. Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes. In: Bonora E., DeFronzo R. (eds) Diabetes. Epidemiology, Genetics, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment. Endocrinology. Springer, Cham. Online ISBN978-3-319-27317-4.2018.
Sageshima J, Chen L, Ciancio G, Pugliese A, Burke III GW. Kidney Transplantation Combined with Other Organs. In: “Kidney Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneration”, Section III, Chapter 12, Pages 141-157. Giuseppe Orlando, Giuseppe Remuzzi, David F. Williams, Editors; Elsevier Academic Press, ISBM 978-0-12-801734-0, 2017.
Pugliese A. Immunopathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes in Western Society”. In: International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus, 4th Edition, Chapter 29, pages 442-453. Ele Ferrannini, Paul Zimmet, Ralph DeFronzo and George Alberti, Editors; Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0-470-65861-1, 2015.
Pugliese A, Campbell-Thompson M, Staeva T, Atkinson MA. The JDRF Network for the Pancreatic Organ Donor with Diabetes (nPOD): A novel Resource and study Approach in Type 1Diabetes Research. In “Diabetes and Viruses”, Chapter 24, pages 245-258. K. Taylor, H. Hyöty, A. Toniolo and A.J. Zuckerman, Editors. ISBN 978-1-4614-4050-5, 2012.
Vendrame F, Pugliese A. Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms of Type1 Diabetes. Invited book chapter to appear in Islet Transplantation: Biology, Immunology, and Clinical Applications. Fouad Kandeel, George Eisenbarth, Olle Korgsren, Yoko Mullen, Alex Rabinovitch, David Sachs, Andrew Stewart, and Kazuhiko Yamada, Editors.Springer-Verlag New York Inc., ISBN:9780387795775, 2010.
Most Recent Articles
Wu Z, Xu X, Cai J, Chen J, Huang L, WuW, Pugliese A, Li S, Ricordi C, Tan J. Prevention of chronic diabetic complications in type 1 diabetes by co-transplantation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells and autologous bone marrow: a pilot randomized controlled open-label clinical study with 8-year follow-up. Cytotherapy. 2022 Jan 24;S1465-3249(21)00825-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2021.09.015. PMID: 35086778.
Redondo MJ, Nathan BM, Jacobsen LM, Sims E, Bocchino LE, Pugliese A, Schatz DA, Atkinson MA, Skyler J, Palmer J, Geyer S, Sosenko JM; Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group. Index60 as an additional diagnostic criterion for type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia. 2021 Apr;64(4):836-844.doi: 10.1007/s00125-020-05365-4. PMID: 33496819.
Geravandi S, Richardson S, Pugliese A, Maedler K.Localization of enteroviral RNA within the pancreas in donors with T1D and T1D-associated autoantibodies.Cell Rep Med.2021 Aug 17;2(8):100371. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2021.100371. eCollection 2021 Aug 17.PMID: 34467248.
Redondo MJ, Warnock MV, Libman IM, Bocchino LE, Cuthbertson D, Geyer S, Pugliese A, Steck AK, Evans-Molina C, Becker D, Sosenko JM, Bacha F; Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group.TCF7L2 Genetic Variants Do Not Influence Insulin Sensitivity or Secretion Indices in Autoantibody-Positive Individuals at Risk for Type 1 Diabetes.Diabetes Care. 2021 Sep;44(9):2039-2044. doi: 10.2337/dc21-0531. Epub 2021 Jul 29.PMID: 34326068.
Korpos É, Kadri N, Loismann S, Findeisen CR, Arfuso F, Burke GW 3rd, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Bogdani M, Pugliese A, Sorokin L.Identification and characterization of tertiary lymphoid organs in human type 1 diabetes.Diabetologia. 2021 Jul;64(7):1626-1641. doi: 10.1007/s00125-021-05453-z. Epub 2021 Apr 29.PMID: 33912981.
Redondo MJ, Nathan BM, Jacobsen LM, Sims E, Bocchino LE, Pugliese A, Schatz DA, Atkinson MA, Skyler J, Palmer J, GeyerS, Sosenko JM; Type 1 diabetesTrialNet StudyGroup.Index60 as an additional diagnostic criterion for type 1 diabetes.Diabetologia. 2021 Jan 26. doi: 10.1007/s00125-020-05365-4. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33496819.
I Snowhite, R Pastori, J Sosenko, S Messinger Cayetano, Pugliese A. Baseline Assessment of Circulating microRNAs Near Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes Predicts Future Stimulated Insulin Secretion. Diabetes.2021 Feb;70(2):638-651. PMID: 33277338.