Frequently Asked Questions About Appointments

Should I keep my follow-up appointments, or is it better to avoid the hospital for the time being?
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If you are feeling well and are asymptomatic for COVID-19, please come to your regularly scheduled appointment. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, muscle or body aches, the new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose. If you are experiencing these symptoms or are awaiting COVID-19 test results, please stay at home until you receive a negative test. Inquire with your physician as to whether a telehealth visit is available. However, if you have worsening symptoms or shortness of breath, contact your doctor and seek medical attention.

All necessary visits and treatment as scheduled by your doctor should be kept unless you meet one of the above criteria.

What do I need to know when making an appointment?
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Our City of Hope visitor policies vary depending on the location you are visiting. Please review our current visitor policy.

If I have chemo or a BMT scheduled, should I postpone it?
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If you have no symptoms and feel well, with no exposure history, treatment can continue without interruption (as determined by your doctor). Postponing a BMT must be decided by your transplant doctor.