Jeff Perry Lab
Research Lab Overview
Dr. Perry was recruited to City of Hope in August 2021. His research interests include defining molecular mechanisms of key protein complexes that have pathological links to cancer and/or diabetes. The Perry Lab uses macromolecular crystallography and biophysical and biochemical analyses to analyze signal transduction pathways, DNA repair and genome stability components.
Additionally, the Perry Lab is conducting early-stage drug discovery approaches, such as fragment-based drug discovery, on targets within these pathways. Identified small molecule inhibitors can be used as chemical tools for clearer definitions of the target protein’s cellular functions and potentially for opening novel therapeutic avenues and the development of drug-like leads. Dr. Perry’s work is currently supported by a DoD BCRP Level 2 award as an MPI with Dr. Robert Hickey and Dr. Linda Malkas at City of Hope, an NIH R01 as Co-PI with Dr. Mobley at the University of California, Irvine, an NCI R01 as Co-I with Dr. Pellecchia at University of California, Riverside, and an IDDV grant award as Co-PI with Dr. Rama Natarajan at City of Hope.
Methods used in the Perry Lab include protein crystallography, rational-based drug discovery, structure-based drug discovery, fragment-based lead discovery, covalent inhibitors, chemical tools, signal transduction, genome stability, small-angle x-ray scattering and collaborative artificial intelligence-driven drug discovery studies.
As part of ongoing structural biology efforts, the Perry Lab uses a synergistic combination of approaches, including protein crystallography, in-solution small-angle x-ray scattering, covalent inhibitors, fragment-based drug discovery and AI-CADD studies. These methods are applied to a number of research areas with support from DoD, NIH and internal City of Hope award mechanisms. These methods include:
- Conducting structure-based drug discovery approaches against a cancer-associated form of a DNA repair protein, aiming to identify and develop drug-like lead compounds.
- Targeting exonucleases and helicases with therapeutic potential through collaborative studies using artificial intelligence-based, computer-aided drug discovery studies in addition to fragment-based drug discovery methods.
- Studying and targeting a novel protein with therapeutic potential for the treatment of type 1 diabetes.
- Using protein crystallography analyses as part of ongoing efforts to define peptide-based inhibitors that signal transduction proteins and apoptotic/anti-apoptotic proteins.
Career Opportunities
The Perry Lab is looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated individuals who thrive in a fast-paced, challenging startup research environment and who can interact well with others as part of a cohesive team. If you have a desire to make a significant impact in health care and have the fortitude to work hard, please consider the following opportunities:
- Postdoctoral research fellow opening
- Research associate opening (in process)
Dr. Perry is the structural biologist and biochemist in the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics at City of Hope.

Lab Members

Dr. Genevieve Baker is a senior Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Perry's lab with expertise in structural biology and fragment-based drug design. She completed her PhD at the University of Bristol, UK, where she became experienced in X-ray crystallography and several complementary biophysical techniques, including SPR and ITC. Her current research centers around the development of therapeutics for cancer and diabetes using small molecule and fragment-based drug discovery approaches. Dr. Baker’s particular interest lies in utilizing X-ray crystallography as a primary fragment screen to identify novel therapeutic sites that offer increased selectivity. Under Dr. Perry’s guidance, she aims to translate promising fragment hits into clinically relevant leads. In addition to her research, she enjoys surfing, CrossFit, and reading.

Wenjie Chen has a B.Sc. in Biomedical Science, and a Ph.D. in Drug Discovery that was completed at University College London, UK. His Ph.D. studies were focused on fragment screening and structure-based drug design by protein X-ray crystallography. He continued with this area research against various drug targets during his previous post-doctoral and Biotech-based research efforts. Wenjie is now embarking on several early-stage drug discovery projects in Dr. Perry’s lab together with collaborators at the City of Hope, which are focused on developing novel cancer chemotherapeutics.

Dr. Jennifer Jossart is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics working under the guidance of Dr. Jeff Perry at the City of Hope Medical Center. She earned her Ph.D. in the study of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of California, Riverside. Her graduate research was focused on utilizing structural biology techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, in the application of rational-based drug discovery. Her postdoctoral research expands upon these methods to integrate structural based-and fragment-based drug design in the development of novel anti-cancer therapeutics.
Currently, Dr. Perry and Dr. Jossart are collaborating with both the Malkas and Hickey research groups at City of Hope to develop anti-breast cancer therapies under the DOD Breast Caner Research Program (BCRP).
In addition to her research, she enjoys hiking, rock climbing, and creating art in various mediums.

Lucia Laorden is a visiting international Biotechnology undergraduate student from the University Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain. She is performing research on a novel epigenetic cancer chemotherapeutic target, under the guidance of Dr. Jeff Perry in the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics. Her goal during these research studies is to gain exposure to early-stage drug discovery techniques, as part of her scientific career advancement. In addition to her research, Lucia likes to play basketball and soccer.

Cristina Villalobos is an international student and is currently studying Biotechnology and Pharmacy at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid. She is working with Dr. Perry and Dr. Jossart on a protein crystallography project for the next couple of months, as part of her in her Biotechnology degree. In addition to her research, she loves spending time with her family and friends, cooking and listening to music.

Jenna Xu is a Ph.D. candidate in the Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology Department at the University of California, Riverside. She is performing her Ph.D. research at City of Hope, under the guidance of Dr. Perry. Xu graduated from California State University, Los Angeles with a M.S. degree in Biological Science.
Her research interests focus on using early-stage structure-based drug discovery approaches--which includes macromolecular crystallography and biochemistry studies--to target cancer-related proteins.
In addition to her research, Xu likes to cook and bake.
We collaborate with organizations in progressing the development of new treatments in our specialized areas of research.

Our Publications
Li, C.M., Haratipour, P., Lingeman, R.G., Perry, J.J.P., Gu, L., Hickey, R.J., & Malkas L.H.
Liu, Y., Zhang, F., Jiang, L., Perry, J.J.P., Zhao, Z., & Liao, J.
Liu, Y., Shen, Y., Song, Y., Xu, L., Perry, J.J.P.*, & Liao, J.*
Gambini, L., Udompholkul, P., Baggio, C., Muralidharan, A., Kenjić, N., Assar, Z., Perry, J.J.P., & Pellecchia, M.
Dennis, T.N., Kenjić, N., Kang, A.S., Lowenson, J.D., Kirkwood, J.S., Clarke, S.G., & Perry, J.J.P.
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Contact Information
34.1379888, -118.0192492
Monrovia, CA 91016