Health Equities

The Division of Health Equities has a strong commitment to eliminating disparities in health.

To achieve health equity requires holistically addressing its determinants — social, biological, cultural, economic, geographic, political and physical environmental conditions. The division is a home for researchers, community health educators and staff who facilitate the translation of scientific knowledge into community practice to reduce and eliminate inequities in cancer outcomes.

We provide special attention to the needs of those at greatest risk of poor health. Our goal is to ensure that all people have opportunities to attain their full health potential that enable them to lead optimal lives.


We are committed to building strong bidirectional relationships with our neighboring communities and recognizing the importance of education and trust through increasing participation of underrepresented communities in the development of research, workforce and policy.


  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Innovation
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Trust
  • Humility