Leukemia Research Faculty

Mark Boldin, Ph.D., is an associate professor, in the Department of Systems Biology, at Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope. His focus is on leukemia and stem cell biology research.

Dr. Branciamore's research interests include (i) investigating the impact of epigenetics on development, disease and evolution, (ii) the application of methods from statistical mechanics and dynamical systems to personalized medicine for the treatment of complex diseases and cancer, and (iii) the

Angelo A. Cardoso, M.D., Ph.D., researcher at Center for Gene Therapy | City of Hope near Los Angeles

Modulation of the bone marrow niche to redirect cellular networks in stress and malignant hematopoiesis

WenYong Chen, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Cancer Biology and Molecular Medicine at the Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope.

Jianjun Chen, Ph.D., is the Simms/Mann Family Foundation Chair in Systems Biology, professor and chair in the Department of Systems Biology, and director for the Center for RNA Biology and Therapeutics at City of Hope.

Marcin Kortylewski, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Immuno-Oncology, focuses on cancer immunotherapy.

Ya-Huei Kuo, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Hematologic Malignancies Translational Science with a research focus in leukemia biology.

Ling Li, Ph.D., is an associate professor in Beckman Research Institute's Department of Hematologic Malignancies Translational Science.

Guido Marcucci, M.D., is professor and chair of the Department of Hematological Malignancies Translational Science and chief of the Division of Leukemia.

Dr. Palmer’s research interests and effort support preclinical and clinical studies concerning the major obstacles to disease control/cure of hematologic malignancies and successful hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Dr. Rockne serves as director of the Division of Mathematical Oncology and Computational Systems Biology, with the goal of translating mathematics, physics and evolution-based research to clinical care.

Sonia Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Ph.D., is an assistant research professor in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

Leo David Wang, M.D., Ph.D., is a pediatric hematologist-oncologist and associate professor in the departments of Immuno-Oncology and Pediatrics.

Bin Zhang, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Hematologic Malignancies Translational Science.