25 to 5 Changing Cancer Forever
City of Hope’s dynamic and innovative approach to research and development has accelerated the traditional "bench to bedside" process for the production of new therapies and treatments from 25 years to as few as five. Out of a desire to support this exceptional institution, we have formed a chartered chapter to promote awareness and raise funds, which we have named "25 to 5: Changing Cancer Forever. We hold 4-5 mixers and a holiday party with young professionals from the greater LA area.
What We Do
The Chapter funds cutting edge cancer and diabetes research at City of Hope. We are currently funding Nanomedicine for a Universal Brain Tumor Vaccine research.
For more information about 25 to 5, please contact Chapter and Affinity Groups at
Board Members
- Lisa Sherman - Real Estate Broker Residential and Commercial Real Estate (President of 25 to 5)
- Daniel Masjedi-Financing and Commercial Real Estate Consultant
- David Yashar- Commercial Real Estate Agent
- Elan Danohe-Business Development Officer
- Lisa Stuart- Attorney at Law
- Russell Stuart- Security Professional/ Private investigator
- Angela Efros- Real estate agent and Property Manager
- Bita Daie- Financial Analyst
- Jim Brammer- Photographer and Remote Pilot (Founding Members of 25 to 5)
- Marcia Brammer-Consultant (Founding Members of 25 to 5)
- Craig Sellers- Owner of Retirement Solutions company
New members are welcome!
For tickets or membership information contact:
Mariana Veyna
800-732-7121 / [email protected]
800-732-7121 / [email protected]