Cancer Prevention and Screening
New Progress in Cancer Prevention
City of Hope believes the best way to stop cancer is to prevent it in the first place. That's why we focus on cancer prevention.
Because one of the best ways to stop cancer is to adopt healthy habits, we offer a range of classes and wellness consultants. They can assist in stopping smoking, eating nutritious meals, exercising more frequently, stress management and other actions you can begin almost immediately.
Also, in some cases, there is a higher risk factor for developing cancer in patients with a hereditary or genetic history. City of Hope offers a comprehensive cancer risk assessment that focuses on family history and genetics, while also taking into account environmental and lifestyle factors. Patients will receive steps to take following this assessment to help lower risks for developing cancer.
Cancer Screening
In addition to helping you get your regular screenings for breast, cervical, colorectal, and skin cancer, we offer new services such as our low dose CT lung cancer screening program. This non-invasive test is recommended for those who are at high risk.
Additionally, City of Hope offers a comprehensive cancer risk assessment that focuses on your family history and genetics. This state-of-the art program provides concrete steps you can take to lower your risk.
Additionally, City of Hope offers a comprehensive cancer risk assessment that focuses on your family history and genetics. This state-of-the art program provides concrete steps you can take to lower your risk.
Genetic Counseling
Many people believe that cancer strikes randomly, but sometimes hereditary or genetic factors increase your risk for cancer.
Indications of Hereditary Risk
Several clues exist to suggest hereditary cancer in a family. Learn about the indications of hereditary risk for cancer.
City of Hope Orange County offers the most advanced 3D technology for the right diagnosis the first time.