Shirley Woo, R.N.
Shirley Woo has a lifetime of experience in providing healthcare services. Shirley is currently retired after spending over 30 years as a Registered Nurse at the Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center (LAC+USC Medical Center). She most recently served in the Trauma Registrar to improve trauma patient care through detailed and extensive analysis, data collection, and implementation of quality improvement programs through peer review and research projects. LAC+USC Medical Center is one of the nation's largest trauma centers and enters over 4,000 trauma patients into the registry annually, constituting approximately 25% of the total volume of trauma patients in Los Angeles County. Prior to the Trauma Registrar, Shirley provided patient care in neurosurgery, general surgery/medicine, and oncology nursing through LAC+USC Medical Center, National Taiwan University Hospital, and home care. Shirley’s youngest sister is a breast cancer survivor, and having seen firsthand the trials and challenges of those with breast cancer, she has devoted much of her volunteer efforts to supporting others.