
OASIS Program

Caring for Older Adults with Cancer

Our OASIS Program team knows that as older adults receive cancer care, whether it is before, during or after treatment, they may struggle with the effects of cancer and its treatment in unique ways. Older adults are more likely to have:



  • other health issues along with cancer (comorbidities)
  • changes in the body and mind due to age  
  • less treatment options since there are not enough older adults in cancer clinical trials 
That is why it is our commitment to offer and advance care that promotes physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being for older adults. We do this by:
  • using proven clinical care for older adults (evidence-based clinical care practices)
  • bringing what we learn from the research field directly to our patients
  • sharing information about specialized care for older adults with other health care professionals


The OASIS Program was created to offer custom care for older adults so that they and their loved ones are supported, can make informed choices and get the care that they want based on what is most important to them. The OASIS Program is made up of three clinics at the Duarte location. Patients must have a referral from their City of Hope primary oncology team.
Each of the clinics within the OASIS Program has been recognized as “Committed to Care Excellence for Older Adults” within the Age-Friendly Health system movement. These clinics are the first at any cancer center in the west to receive this recognition, and among the first in the country! 
As part of this movement, each clinic in the OASIS Program provides care for older adults receiving cancer treatment at City of Hope using a framework called the 4Ms, which are Medication, Mentation, Mobility and What Matters.
senior friendly
City of Hope is also recognized as Senior-Friendly by Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders. Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders imparts principles and tools to stimulate changes in clinical practice to achieve patient-centered care and helps nursing teams effectively meet the needs of older adult patients.

Our Clinics and Team

The OASIS Program team offers expertise on the unique needs and challenges that older adults with cancer may face. In each clinic, experts in the care of older adults check for age-related issues that affect the cancer and treatment, offer tailored medical care, and connect patients and caregivers with other experts (such as dietitians, clinical social workers or physical therapists) to keep them as healthy as possible before, during and after treatment. Our experts take an in-depth look at safe mobility, cognition, pain management, fall prevention, nutrition, mental health and more. They are dedicated to working with patients and families to align their medical care with their values and what matters most to them.
To learn more about each Duarte clinic and what to expect, please visit the following:

Aging Wellness Consult Clinic

The clinic visit includes a complete assessment and education for the older adult based on the guidelines developed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

ABC Clinic

The Aging and Blood Cancers Clinic specializes in the evaluation and optimization of older patients before stem cell transplantation or cellular therapy, especially patients 65 years and older who may pursue allogeneic (donor) stem cell transplant.


Led by a geriatrician and a geriatric nurse practitioner, a visit to the Specialized Oncology Care and Research for Elders Clinic includes a complete assessment and education for the older adult based on the guidelines developed by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the OASIS Program, please email us.