Marcin Kortylewski Lab Key Publications

  • Zhang Z, Zhao X, Wang D, Moreira D, Su Y-L, Alcantara M, Swiderski P, Wong J, Hui S, Forman S, Kwak L, Kortylewski M. Targeted in vivo delivery of NF-κB decoy inhibitor augments sensitivity of B-cell lymphoma to therapy. Mol. Ther., 29: 1214-1225, 2020.
  • Moreira D, Sampath S, Won H, White SV, Su Y-L, Alcantara M, Wang C, Lee P, Maghami E, Massarelli E, Kortylewski M. Myeloid Cell-Targeted STAT3 Inhibition Sensitizes Head and Neck Cancers to Radiotherapy and T cell-Mediated Immunity. J. Clin. Invest., 131: e137001, 2020.
  • Garrido G, Schrand B, Levay A, Rabasa A, Ferrantella A, Da Silva DM, D'Eramo F, Marijt KA, Zhang Z, Kwon D, Kortylewski M, Kast WM, Dudeja V, van Hall T, Gilboa E. Vaccination against Nonmutated Neoantigens Induced in Recurrent and Future Tumors. Cancer Immunol. Res. 7, 856-868, 2020.
  • Su Y-L, Wang X, Mann M, Adamus T, Wang D, Moreira DF, Zhang Z, Ouyang C, He X, Zhang B, Swiderski PM, Forman SJ, Baltimore D, Li L, Marcucci G, Boldin MP, Kortylewski M. Myeloid Cell-Targeted miR-146a Mimic Inhibits NF-κB-driven Inflammation and Leukemia Progression in Vivo. Blood 135, 167-180, 2020.
  • Moreira D, Adamus T, Zhao X, Su Y-L, Zhang Z, White SV, Swiderski P, Lu X, DePinho R, Pal S, Kortylewski M. STAT3 inhibition combined with CpG immunostimulation activates antitumor immunity to eradicate genetically distinct castration-resistant prostate cancers. Clin. Cancer Res. 24, 5948-5962, 2018.
  • Zhang B, Nguyen LXT, Li L, Zhao D, Kumar B, Wu H, Lin A, Pellicano F, Hopcroft L, Su YL, Copland M, Holyoake TL, Kuo CJ, Bhatia R, Snyder DS, Ali H, Stein AS, Brewer C, Wang H, McDonald T, Swiderski P, Troadec E, Chen CC, Dorrance A, Pullarkat V, Yuan YC, Perrotti D, Carlesso N, Forman SJ, Kortylewski M*, Kuo YH*, Marcucci G*. equally contributing authors. Bone marrow niche trafficking of miR-126 controls the self-renewal of leukemia stem cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia. Nat. Med. 24: 450-462, 2018.
  • Zhao X, Zhang Z, Moreira D, Su Y-L, WonH., Adamus T, Dong Z, Liang Y, Yin H, Swiderski P, Pillai R, Kwak L, Forman S, Kortylewski M. B-cell lymphoma immunotherapy using TLR9-targeted oligonucleotide STAT3 inhibitors. Mol. Ther. 26: 695-707, 2018.
  • Skrzypek K, Kusienicka A, Trzyna E, Szewczyk B, Ulman A, Konieczny P, Adamus T, Badyra B, Kortylewski M, Majka M. SNAIL is a key regulator of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma tumor growth and differentiation through repression of MYF5 and MYOD function. Cell Death & Disease 9, 643, 2018.
  • Won H, Moreira D, Gao C, Duttagupta P, Zhao X, Manuel E, Diamond D, Yuan YC, Liu Z, Jones J, D'Apuzzo M, Pal S, Kortylewski M. TLR9 expression and secretion of LIF by prostate cancer cells stimulates accumulation and activity of polymorphonuclear MDSCs. J. Leukoc. Biol., 102, 423-436, 2017.
  • Curran E, Chen X, Corrales L, Kline DE, Dubensky TW Jr., Duttagupta P, Kortylewski M, Kline J. STING pathway activation stimulates potent immunity against Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cell Rep., 11, 2357-2366, 2016.
  • Zhang Q, Hossain DMS, Duttagupta P, Moreira D, Zhao X, Won H, Buettner B, Nechaev S, Majka M, Zhang B, Cai Q, Swiderski P, Kuo YH, Forman S, Marcucci G, Kortylewski M. Serum-resistant CpG-STAT3 decoy for targeting survival and immune checkpoint signaling in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood, 127, 1687-1700, 2016.
  • Moreira DF, Zhang Q, Hossain DMS, Nechaev S, Li H, Kowolik CM, D’Apuzzo M, Forman S, Jones JO, Pal SK, Kortylewski M. TLR9 signaling through NF-κB/RELA and STAT3 promotes tumor-propagating potential of prostate cancer cells. Oncotarget, 6, 17302-17313, 2015.
  • Hossain DMS, Pal SK, Moreira DF, Duttagupta P, Zhang Q, Won H, Jones JO, D'Apuzzo M, Forman SJ, Kortylewski M. TLR9-Targeted STAT3 Silencing Abrogates Immunosuppressive Activity of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells from Prostate Cancer Patients. Clin Cancer Res., 21, 3771-3782, 2015.
  • Pal SK, Hossain DMS, Zhang Q, Frankel PH, Jones JO, Carmichael C, Ruel C, Lau C, Kortylewski M. Pazopanib as third-line therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Clinical efficacy and temporal analysis of cytokine profile. J. Urol., 193, 1114-1121, 2014.
  • Herrmann A, Cherryholmes G, Schroeder A, Phallen J, Alizadeh D, Xin H, Wang T, Lee H, Lahtz C, Swiderski P, Armstrong B, Kowolik C, Gallia GL, Lim M, Brown CE, Badie B, Forman SJ, Kortylewski M, Jove R, Yu H. TLR9 is critical for Glioma Stem Cell Maintenance and Targeting. Cancer Res., 74, 5218-5228, 2014.
  • Herrmann A, Priceman SJ, Kujawski M, Xin H, Cherryholmes GA, Zhang W, Zhang C, Lahtz C, Kowolik C, Forman SJ, Kortylewski M, Yu H. CTLA4 aptamer delivers STAT3 siRNA to tumor-associated and malignant T cells. J. Clin. Invest, 124, 2977-2987, 2014.
  • Hossain DMS, Dos Santos C, Zhang Q, Kozlowska A, Liu H, Gao C, Moreira D, Swiderski P, Jozwiak A, Kline K, Forman S, Bhatia R, Kuo YH, Kortylewski M. Leukemia cell-targeted STAT3 silencing and TLR9-triggering generate systemic antitumor immunity. Blood, 123, 15-25, 2014.
  • Gao C, Kozlowska A, Nechaev S, Li H, Zhang Q, Hossain DMS, Kowolik CM, Chu P, Swiderski P, Diamond DJ, Pal SK, Raubitschek A, Kortylewski M. TLR9 signaling in the tumor microenvironment initiates cancer recurrence after radiation therapy. Cancer Res., 73, 7211-7221, 2013.
  • Nechaev S, Gao C, Moreira D, Swiderski P, Jozwiak A, Kowolik CM, Zhou J, Armstrong B, Raubitschek A, Rossi JJ, Kortylewski M. Intracellular processing of immunostimulatory CpG-siRNA: Toll-like receptor 9 facilitates siRNA dicing and endosomal escape. J Control. Release, 170, 307-315, 2013.
  • Zhang Q, Hossain DMS, Nechaev S, Kozlowska A, Zhang W, Liu Y, Kowolik CM, Swiderski P, Rossi JJ, Forman S, Yu H, Kortylewski M. TLR9-mediated siRNA delivery for targeting of normal and malignant human hematopoietic cells in vivo. Blood, 21, 1304-1315, 2013.