Zeiss Observer II
Observation Methods
Note: Does NOT have Phase capabilities.
Digital Imaging Cameras
Zeiss AxioCam 506 Mono
Camera allows 14-bit monochrome images to be acquired in high resolution due to small pixel size (4.54um) and large array (2752 x 2208).
Zeiss AxioCam 506 Color
Camera allows 14-bit color images to be acquired in high resolution due to small pixel size (4.54um) and large array (2752 x 2208).
Available Objectives
- 5X/0.16NA Plan-Apochromat DIC
- 10X/0.45NA Plan-Apochromat DIC
- 20X/0.80NA Plan-Apochromat DIC
- 40X/1.4NA Plan-Apochromat DIC Oil
- 63X/1.4NA Plan-Apochromat DIC Oil
- 100X/1.4NA Plan-Apochromat DIC Oil
Note: Microscope does NOT have an Optovar.
Filter Cube Spectra:
#49 Ex; G369nm, Beam Splitter; FT395, Emission; 445/50 (DAPI)
#38 Ex; BP470/40, Beam Splitter; FT495, Emission; 525/50 (eGFP)
#43 Ex; BP545/25, Beam Splitter; FT570, Emission; 605/70 (DS Red)
#50 Ex; BP640/30, Beam Splitter; FT660, Emission; 690/50 (Far Red)
Computer and Software:
HP Z820
Intel Xeon E5-2643 4-core (8 hyperthreads), 16GB RAM, 3.3GHz, 2 TB RAID hard drive, Windows 7x64 Ultimate. DELL 24” High-Res Flat Panel Monitor.
ZEN Blue software
Capable of automated Multi Dimensional Acquisition imaging for: Z-stacks, Tiling, Multiple Positions, and Multi-Color.
Note: Software does NOT have Time-Lapse capabilities.