Preparing for Your Appointment

Being a newly diagnosed patient means that you and your family will have many questions about your diagnosis and treatment options. Getting information is the first step. Being well informed will ensure that you have the knowledge and skills needed to take an active role in your care, and can join your care team in making well-informed decisions.

To get the most from your care, learn about the important support services and tips on communicating with your health care team, download the Patient and Family Orientation slideshow. This package contains information on important patient and family resources City of Hope Duarte provides, including:

  •     How to find support services and programs for you and your family
  •     Key clinic, hospital and appointment locations
  •     Who to call for answers and assistance
The staff at City of Hope is dedicated to providing you and your loved ones with first-class care. To help make the most of your time during your appointment, please take a moment to review the below in preparation for your visit.

Helpful Tips

  • Learn more about your cancer and City of Hope programs and treatments.
  • Write down questions for your doctor and nurse ahead of time.
  • Bring a list of all your current medications, vitamins and supplements. Use My Medicines Journal to record your current medications to share with your care team.
  • Keep all your documents together in one place to be able to “grab-n-go” to your appointments.
  • Bring a book, magazine or iPad/Kindle (digital device) to keep you busy in case you wait.