Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Imaging and Theranostics

The Division of Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Imaging and Theranostics at City of Hope® consists of highly experienced radiologists with specialty training in nuclear medicine, who use innovative technologies and techniques to diagnose and treat a wide range of cancers. A world-renowned pioneer leader in theranostics, Phillip Kuo, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.R., leads the program, which aims to integrate molecular imaging into personalized patient care. This integration begins with pretherapy imaging and continues throughout the process to guide treatment decisions. He and his dual board-certified physicians dedicate themselves to providing patients access to the most advanced nuclear imaging.

Section chief of Nuclear Medicine and radiologist Phillip Kuo, M.D., looking at PET scans

City of Hope Is Driving the Future of Medical Imaging

What Is Nuclear Medicine?

Nuclear medicine holds a special place as the original modality of molecular imaging and is now evolving and growing at an unprecedented pace. Currently, the field plays an essential role in the treatment decisions of virtually every type of cancer. 

City of Hope’s Los Angeles-area location utilizes state-of-the-art scanner technology, which includes fast, high-resolution positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT), PET/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and single-photon emission CT (SPECT)/CT, utilized and managed by an exceptional team of technologists dedicated to delivering the highest quality imaging with comfort and care.

What Is Theranostics?

Theranostics is a powerful combination of therapy and diagnostic imaging that delivers personalized medicine with targeting at the molecular level. Radiotheranostics can deliver therapeutic radiation to tumors throughout the body by attaching radioactive isotopes to target molecules and sending them into the bloodstream. Radiotheranostics has demonstrated superiority to conventional therapies not only in improved survival but also in improved quality of life. This sophisticated and nuanced technology necessitates a dedicated, multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners, nuclear pharmacists, medical physicists, radiation health specialists and logistical support staff, coordinating closely with world-renowned oncologists at City of Hope.

Our Los Angeles-Area Team Can Treat the Following Cancers Using Theranostics:

  • Prostate cancer with Pluvicto® (Lu177-PSMA-617)
  • Prostate cancer with Xofigo® (radium-223 chloride)
  • Neuroendocrine tumors with Lutathera® (Lu177-dotate)
  • Thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine

What Sets Our Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Imaging and Theranostics Program Apart?

Our team approach to clinical care and research is how we provide breadth and quality across all of our services. Our radiopharmaceutical therapies, administered in a dedicated private room every working day, are overseen by our highly experienced and skilled theranostics team. Their expertise ensures the highest standard of care, giving you the confidence that you're in good hands.

For the groundbreaking VISION clinical trial leading to approval of Pluvicto nationally and internationally, Dr. Kuo led the design of the novel prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-PET imaging criteria for eligibility and helped to pioneer the use of artificial intelligence to analyze PSMA-PET for the crucial FDA-mandated study. Dr. Kuo brings his leadership skills in clinical practice and the research of theranostics to the Department of Diagnostic Radiology at City of Hope. Currently, City of Hope conducts leading-edge research to help bring groundbreaking clinical trials to patients now and to develop the next generation of medications and scanner technology.

Imaging Technologies We Use

  • Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is a hybrid scanner technology. The patient remains in the same position for the CT, followed by the PET. PET/CT scans, with their comprehensive approach, can provide essential information for initial and follow-up treatment plans. City of Hope has advanced scanners that obtain high-resolution images quickly and with less radiation. Our physicians are experienced in reading the whole gamut of PET radiopharmaceuticals.
  • Positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) is another hybrid technology and special modality that is beneficial for obtaining molecular and anatomic imaging of the brain.
  • Single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) is a hybrid scanner technology that integrates a SPECT and CT scanner. The wide variety of radiotracers used in SPECT/CT can provide physiologic and molecular imaging of the skeleton, heart, lungs, kidneys, glands and other organ systems.
Hot cell radiopharmacy, Nuclear Medicine | City of Hope
Hot cell, City of Hope Duarte

Our Radiopharmacy

Duo-licensed by the California State Board of Pharmacy, our on-site dispensing and manufacturing radiopharmacy brings lifesaving radiopharmaceuticals for preclinical and clinical studies from bench to bedside. We specifically design radiopharmaceuticals to target radiation to tumor cells, improving diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

Learn more about our radiopharmacy

Latest Publications and Media Alerts

  • Kuo, P. H., Morris, M. J., Hesterman, J., Kendi, A. T., Rahbar, K., Wei, X. X., Fang, B., Adra, N., Garje, R., Michalski, J. M., Chi, K., de Bono, J., Fizazi, K., Krause, B., Sartor, O., Tagawa, S. T., Ghebremariam, S., Brackman, M., Wong, C. C., Catafau, A. M., … Herrmann, K. (2024). Quantitative 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET and Clinical Outcomes in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Following 177Lu-PSMA-617 (VISION Trial). Radiology, 312(2), e233460.

Unlocking the potential of PSMA-PET: The need for interdisciplinary collaboration in image interpretation, Urology Times

In this interview, Dr. Kuo discusses the key elements of a PSMA-PET report and the importance of urologists and radiation oncologists collaborating on nuclear radiology in interpreting and applying PSMA-PET findings. Read more

Oct 22, 2024, Radiology Podcasts | RSNA

Dr. Ashwin Singh Parihar speaks with Dr. Kuo, Dr. Andrew Armstrong and Dr. Ken Herrmann about how 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET can predict response of metastatic prostate cancer following 177Lu-PSMA-617 therapy. The VISION Trial. Listen to the podcast

Make an Appointment

If you would like to make an appointment, please call:

Exterior of City of Hope Helford Clinical Research Hospital in Duarte, CA.

Meet Our Nuclear Medicine and Theranostics Faculty