Interventional Pain Management: Procedures for Pain Treatment
Cancer and treatment-related pain can affect your quality of life. Our interventional pain specialists bring unique medical expertise in creating a comprehensive pain treatment plan for patients. Nerve blocks, injections, discography, spinal cord stimulation and intravenous therapies are among the services offered by our team. The treatments provided are aimed at improving or restoring quality of life, decreasing reliance on pain medications and increasing function and productivity.
From massage to meditation, integrative medicine — which uses evidence-based, complementary practices in combination with conventional medicine — can help cancer patients and survivors regain health and build a lifestyle focused on wellness.
Back pain treatments | Intrathecal Pump Implantation |
Cancer pain treatments | Intravenous Therapy |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Joint injections |
Celiac Plexus Block | Medial Branch Blocks |
Cervical Spine Injection | Occipital Nerve Block |
Continuous Catheter Nerve Blocks | Peripheral Nerve Blocks |
Discography | Post-mastectomy pain treatments |
Epidural Steroid Injection | Post-surgical pain treatments |
Facet Injections | Radiofrequency Ablation |
Ganglion Impar Block | Sacroiliac injections |
Headache and Facial pain treatments | Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block |
Intercostal Nerve Block | Spinal Cord Stimulator Implantation |
Interscalene Block | Stellate Ganglion Block |
Pain Clinic Team

Anesthesiologist Andrew T. Leitner, M.D., is chair of the Department of Supportive Care Medicine and the Arthur M. Coppola Family Chair in Supportive Care Medicine.

Manisha Trivedi, M.D., is an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Supportive Care Medicine.

Jaisha Mathew, M.D., is an assistant clinical professor and interventional pain physician in the Department of Supportive Care Medicine.