Supportive and Palliative Medicine


What is Supportive Care? 

Supportive care eases the physical, emotional and psychological burdens of life-changing diagnosis like cancer. Our Supportive and Integrative Medicine team can help manage discomfort with a wide array of available services, including specialist physicians, nurses, social workers, nutritionists and chaplains, who works with you to meaningfully improve your quality of life during cancer diagnosis, treatment and beyond. 

  • Our Comprehensive Pain Management Program unites a team of specialists bringing expertise from various fields to find the best treatment plan for our patients -- whether suffering from symptoms relating to cancer, cancer treatment, surgery, or other painful conditions.
  • Integrative Oncology, Mind-Body Medicine and Healing Therapies — which use evidence-based, complementary practices in combination with conventional medicine — can help cancer patients and survivors regain health and build a lifestyle focused on wellness.
  • Clinical Social Workers, Psychologists and Psychiatrists work with patients and families to help ease the emotional distress, stress, anxiety and depression that may occur during cancer treatment.  
  • Sheri & Les Biller Patient and Family Resource Center — The Biller Resource Center on the Duarte campus offers patients and families access to cancer resources and information, classes and support groups, and a welcoming space for relaxing, staying in touch with loved ones and meeting with clinical and support staff.
  • Nutrition and Dieticians provide dietary care, education and counseling to help patients and their families make sense of the latest research and make informed food choices. Dietitians can assist with correcting nutritional deficiencies, minimizing treatment side effects, creating nutrition plans after treatment and more.


Frequently Asked Questions About Supportive Care