- Counseling: to help patients cope with cancer.
- Behavioral interventions: for adherence to treatment and management of side effects.
- Neuropsychological assessment: for patients concerned about memory or thinking problems.
- Pediatric Psychology: We use play therapy, behavioral interventions and talk therapy to support children and their families through diagnosis and treatment.
- Adolescent/Young Adult Psychology: Our team has expertise in meeting the unique emotional needs of adolescents and young adults within the context of serious medical illness.
- Adult Psychology: Our team helps patients develop insights and tools to cope with the difficult challenges they face during illness.
- Neuropsychology: Cancer treatment can cause memory or thinking problems. Neuropsychological evaluation can help you understand the changes you may be experiencing.
Psychology Team
Jeanelle Folbrecht, Ph.D., psychologist | City of Hope, California.
Marissa A. Cangin, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist at City of Hope's Department of Supportive Care Medicine, specializing in psychosocial oncology for cancer patients and survivors.
Elaine Wheat Dawson, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist at City of Hope's Department of Supportive Care Medicine, specializing in psychosocial oncology for cancer patients and survivors.
Monica A. Garcia, Ph.D., is an assistant clinical professor, division of psychology, department of supportive care medicine.
Sunita Patel, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the departments of Supportive Care Medicine and Population Sciences.
Sharon Baik, Ph.D., is an assistant professor, Division of Psychology, Department of Supportive Care Medicine. Her research interests focus on improving the health-related quality of life of cancer survivors, with a particular emphasis on medically underserved populations.